
Hello everyone! My name is Harry, the creator of this blog. I started this blog in high school my senior year during one of my culinary classes. All the recipes dating before September 2013 are from my high school culinary classes. All of those recipes I changed around both the ingredients, adding and removing some, and amounts, increasing or decreasing, to make them my own recipe. Most of the pictures are of the dishes I made, some I forgot to take a picture of and are pictures from online that resemble the dish. Recipes that date from September 2013 onward are from my time at Johnson and Wales University, were I am studying culinary arts. Currently I am a freshman there, and the recipes are ones I made throughout my classes. I hope you enjoy making these as much as I do.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Bechamel Sauce

One of the mother sauces, this is a great addition to any vegetable dish, meat dish, or even pasta if you want it. It is a good white sauce that compliments many dishes.

              1 gallon milk
              1 onion, piquet
              6 ounces clarified butter
              6 ounces flour, sifted
              Salt to taste
              Black pepper to taste
              1/8 teaspoon nutmeg

1. Gather all ingredients and equipment

2. In a saucepan, heat the milk with the onion piquet and simmer for 10 minutes

3. In another saucepan heat the clarified butter

4. Gradually add the flour to the butter to make a roux. Using a wooden spoon, mix thoroughly, and cook it approximately 5 to 6 minutes to make a white roux. Remove from the heat and cool slightly

5. Remove the onion piquet from the milk

6. Temper the milk into the roux by gradually adding the hot milk, whisking constantly. Heat to a boil; reduce to a simmer

7. Season to taste with salt, pepper, and nutmeg

Cauliflower and Broccoli au Gratin

This is a great side dish for any broccoli/cauliflower fans. The sauce holds the vegetables together and makes for a delicious taste, especially with the bread crumb topping.

              1 1/2 pounds broccoli, washed, trimmed, stems peeled
              1 1/2 pounds cauliflower, washed, trimmed, stems peeled
              20 ounces Bechamal sauce
              1 1/2 ounces gruyere cheese, grated
              1 1/2 ounces parmesan cheese, grated
              1 1/2 ounces heavy cream
              Salt to taste
              Black pepper to taste
              4 ounces melted butter
              4 ounces bread crumbs
              4 ounces cheddar cheese, grated

1. Gather all ingredients and equipment

2. Preheat oven to 350

3. Cut the broccoli and cauliflower into florets and cut the stems on a bias. Place in a perforated hotel pan until crisp/tender, about 6 minutes. Shock in an ice bath, strain and set aside

4. In a saucepan, make a mornay sauce by combining the bechamal, gruyere, parmesan, and heavy cream. Bring the mornay to a boil and immediately reduce to a simmer. Simmer until cheeses have melted and sauce is smooth, stirring constantly. Taste and season with salt and pepper as needed

5. Place the steamed broccoli and cauliflower in a hotel pan. Place the mornay sauce over the vegetables

6. Place in oven and heat throughout

7. In a small bowl, combine the melted butter, bread crumbs, and cheddar and sprinkle this mixture over the broccoli and cauliflower

8. Place under a salamander to brown

9. Serve immediately

Sauce Chasseur

This sauce is a very heavy sauce that works well with meat dishes and has a great assortment of spices and herbs to give it a perfect taste to compliment many dishes.

              Clarified butter as needed
              2 ounces shallots peeled, diced brunoise
              4 ounces mushrooms, sliced 1/4 inch
              4 ounces dry white wine, reduced
              2 tablespoons fresh parsley, stemmed, chopped
              1/2 teaspoon dry chervil leaves
              1/2 teaspoon dry tarragon leaves
              1 1/2 pint demi-glace
              4 ounces tomato or concasse
              Salt to taste
              Black pepper to taste

1. Gather all ingredients and equipment

2.  Heat a small amount of butter in saute pan, and saute shallots and mushrooms until softened

3. Add the wine and reduce the mixture by half

4. Add the herbs to the reduction with the demi-glace and tomato sauce. Heat to a boil; reduce the heat and simmer until quality factors of sauce are achieved. Depouille.

picture from 

Beef Tournedos Chasseur

This is a great dish that taste delicious. When finished it has a great appearance to it that just makes you want to devour it and go back for seconds.

              4 pounds beef tenderloin, peeled
              Clarified butter, as needed
              Salt to taste
              Black pepper to taste
              20 large mushroom caps, fluted
              20 croutons, round, seasoned, brushed with butter, toasted
              16 ounces Sauce chasseur

1. Gather all ingredients and equipment

2. Cut the tenderloin into 3 ounce medallions, allowing 2 per portion

3. Saute the medallions in clarified butter until minimum temperature of 145 degrees F. Season with salt and pepper

4. Saute the mushroom caps in clarified butter and season to taste with salt and pepper

5. Per portion: Place two medallions on two croutons and nappe with sauce chasseur

6. Garnish with two mushroom caps and serve immediately

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Polenta with Tomato and Fontina Cheese

This dish is a great side dish for any meal. The polenta taste amazing and is topped with a delicious tomato cheese topping that ties the flavors together.

              2 quarts white chicken stock
              Salt to taste
              Black pepper to taste
              8 ounces butter
              24 ounces corn meal
              2 cups tomato concasse
              1 1/2 ounces olive oil
              1/2 ounce Parsley, washed, stemmed, squeezed dry, chopped
              4 ounces fontina cheese, shredded
              6-8 ounces heavy cream (optional) (our picture is with using heavy cream)

1. Gather all ingredients and equipment

2. Preheat oven to 350

3. In a saucepan, combine the stock, salt, pepper and butter. Heat to a boil

4. Slowly pour the cornmeal into the boiling stock, stirring constantly. Reduce the heat and simmer for about 30 minutes or until polenta is very thick. Stir constantly to prevent the bottom from sticking

5. Taste and adjust seasoning as needed. Spread the cooked polenta onto a plastic-or parchment lined sheet pan, 1/2-3/4 thick. Cool to 40 degrees or lower. When totally cooled, cut into desired shapes for service.

6. Combine tomato concasse, olive oil and parsley; season to taste with the salt and pepper

7. For service , arrange the polenta pieces on parchment-lined trays, and sprinkle with fontina. Top each with a bit of the seasoned concasse , and place in the oven. Bake until the polenta reaches 165 or is hot throughout. Hold briefly at 136 or higher.
Chef’s Notes:
If shapes are not wanted, pour seasoned, cooled polenta into a greased 1⁄2 hotel pan, top with cheese and bake until brown.
Tomato can be used as a garnish.
Heavy cream can be added with the stock. 

Veal Roulades with Lobster and Parsley-Dill Sauce

This is a perfect combination of meat and seafood. They compliment each other perfectly and are tied together with an amazing savory parlsey-dill sauce that finishes the dish off just right.

              1 large eggplant, washed, trimmed, cut lengthwise into 1/6 inch slices
              Salt to taste
              10 (3 oz) Veal cutlets pounded thin (the picture of this recipe, we used twice the veal cutlets)
              Black pepper to taste
              Salt to taste
              4 ounces clarified butter
              4 ounces vegetable oil
              5 (6-7 oz) Lobster tails, raw, shell and vein removed, split lengthwise
              10 ounces spinach, washed, trimmed, sautéed
              10 ounces ham, cut batonnet
              8 ounces seasoned flour
              10 eggs, lightly beaten
              Bread crumbs as needed
Parsley-Dill Sauce Ingredients
              1 quart white veal sauce
              3 ounces lemon juice
              3 ounces butter, cut into tiny pieces and softened
              1 teaspoon lemon zest
              1 1/2 tablespoons fresh dill, wash, dried, finely chopped
              1 tablespoon parsley washed, stemmed, squeeze dried, finely chopped
  1. Gather all the ingredients and equipment.

  2. Preheat the oven to 350 ̊F (177 ̊C)page1image24976
  1. Line a sheet pan with 3 layers of absorbent paper. Lay out the eggplant slices in a single layer, and sprinkle lightly with salt. Cover with more absorbent paper. Let sit for about 20 minutes to release moisture.

  2. Lay out the veal cutlets on a sheet pan, and lightly season with salt and pepper. Cover, and store in the refrigerator at 40 ̊F (4 ̊C) or lower until needed.

  3. Combine the clarified butter and oil to make a fortified butter.

  4. In a sauté pan, heat a small amount of the fortified butter. Fry the eggplant slices until golden on
    each side. Remove, and set in the refrigerator to cool.

  5. Meanwhile, wrap each half lobster tail with the blanched spinach leaves.

  6. Place one slice of cooled eggplant on each veal cutlet, and then place one spinach-wrapped lobster tail on top of the eggplant. Lay two of the ham batonnets next to the lobster tail, and roll tightly into a roulade. Secure with a bamboo skewer.

  7. Using the standard breading procedure, dredge the roulades in the seasoned flour, shaking off excess. Dip in egg wash, and then coat with bread crumbs. Dip a second time in egg wash; recoat with bread crumbs.

  8. Heat the remaining fortified butter in an appropriate sized pan; if there is not enough fortified but- ter to shallow-fry the roulades, add more. Shallow-fry the roulades, browning on all sides, taking care not to crowd the pan. Transfer to a 1⁄2 sheet pan.

  9. Place in the preheated oven to finish cooking to an internal temperature of 145 ̊F to 150 ̊F (63 ̊C to 66 ̊C). Hold at 136 ̊F (58 ̊C) or higher.

  10. While the roulades are cooking, prepare the parsley-dill sauce. Combine the veal stock and lemon juice in a small, non reactive saucepan. Bring to a boil, turn down to a simmer, and reduce to approximately 1 1⁄2 cups (355 milliliters), until reaching a rich, intense flavor.

  11. Meanwhile, combine the softened butter with the lemon zest, chopped dill, and parsley.

  12. Whisk the butter, in batches, into the reduced stock/lemon mixture.

  13. Taste and season with salt and pepper as needed.

  14. To serve, arrange one roulade, cut through the center on a bias if desired, on a preheated dinner plate with the sauce.

Sautéed Fish Fillets with Lemon Butter

If your  fish lover, this dish is easy delicious. It cooks the fish to perfection and the lemon butter sauce is  a perfect addition to give the fish a great taste.

               10 (6 oz) fish fillets (sole, salmon, catfish, trout flounder)
               5 ounces lemon juice
               Salt to taste
               Pepper to taste
               Clarified butter as needed
               7 ounces sifted flour
               12 ounces whole butter, softened
               1 1/2 ounces parsley, stemmed, washed, squeezed dry, chopped

1. Gather all the ingredients and equipment.
2.  Lay fish in a single layer in a hotel panpage1image12816
3. About 10 minutes before cooking, sprinkle the fish lightly with 2 ounces (60 milliliters) of the lemon juice (save the rest for the sauce). Turn each fillet over to coat both sides with the lemon juice, and then season with salt and pepper. 

4. Heat a thin layer of the clarified or fortified butter in a sauté pan.
5. Dredge the fish in flour, shaking off excess.
6. Lay the fish, presentation side down, into the hot fat, and sauté until brown. Carefully turn the fillets without breaking, and cook the second side until brown. The fish is done when it flakes easily under gentle pressure and the internal temperature is 145°F (63°C).
7. Carefully remove the fish with a slotted spatula, and hold at 136°F (58°C) until service.
8. To make the sauce, discard the cooking fat, and deglaze the pan with the rest of the lemon juice (3 ounces or 90 milliliters). Add the whole butter, and swirl pan to melt and emulsify the sauce. Remove pan from heat, add the parsley, and season with salt and pepper.   

9. To serve, place one fillet of fish onto a preheated dinner plate, and nappé with the lemon butter sauce. Serve immediately.

Chef’s Note:
Fish loses quality rapidly in a holding process. Try to cook the fish as close to service as possible. 

Monday, September 16, 2013

Saute Chicken Breast with Mushroom and Sage

A savory dish that will make you want more. The chicken is sautéed perfectly and the mushroom sage sauce ties the dish together perfectly giving an amazing taste.

               5 (4 oz) Chicken Breast
               Clarified butter as needed
               4 ounces flour
               2 ounces shallots, peeled, diced brunoise
               4 garlic cloves peeled, finely minced
               8 ounces white wine
               8 ounces mushrooms, sliced 1/4 inch
               8 ounces shiitake mushrooms, sliced 1/4 inch
               32 ounces chicken stock
               3 ounces butter, room temperature
               2 tablespoons sage
               Salt to taste
               Pepper to taste

     1. Gather all ingredients and equipment

  1. Separate chicken breasts into halves. Trim away cartilage and fat. Place one breast between two sheets of plastic wrap and pound gently to flatten to about 3⁄4 to 1 inch (1.9 to 2.54 centimeters) thickness. Repeat with the remaining breasts.

  2. Heat a thin layer of clarified butter in a large sauté pan over medium heat.

  3. Dredge the chicken in the seasoned flour and shake off the excess. Place the chicken, presentation side down, in the hot butter, and cook until the first side turns golden brown. Turn over, and cook the other side. Do not crowd the pan when sautéing. Remove chicken before it is completely cooked.

  4. Remove the chicken and hold uncovered at 136°F (58°C) or higher.

  5. Pour excess oil from the sauté pan, and add the shallots and garlic. Sauté until the
    shallots are softened.

  6. Deglaze with the wine. Allow the wine to reduce by one half.

  7. Add both mushrooms, cover and lower the heat, and allow mushrooms to cook in
    the reduced wine and release their juices. Turn the heat to high to reduce and evaporate the liquids, and then sauté the mushrooms until they turn golden brown.

  8. Add chicken stock, and reduce the liquid by 1⁄3. Add chicken back to the sauce.

  9. Remove the pan from the heat; add the butter and swirl into the sauce to emulsify.

  10. Add the sage. Taste and season with salt and pepper as needed.

  11. To serve, place a half chicken breast per portion on a preheated dinner plate, and nappé with mushroom sage sauce. Serve immediately. 

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Cucumber Raita

A delicious recipe, that can be used as a salad dressing, or as a sauce to garnish the zucchini fritters or anything else you want. Very creamy and delicious taste.

               1 medium cucumber, peeled and seeded
               1 cup plain yogurt
               1/4 teaspoon sea salt
               1/4 teaspoon cumin seeds, or ground cumin
               1/4 teaspoon garlic paste
               3 tablespoons chopped fresh chopped cilantro

1. Gather all ingredients and equipment

2. Finely grate the cucumber

3. Transfer cucumber to a bowl and mix in yogurt, salt, cumin, garlic paste and half of the cilantro

4. Sprinkle with remaining cilantro leaves

5. Serve chilled

Chef’s Note:
This is the closest condiment to a salad dressing in Indian cuisine. They are always yogurt-based and each region has its own version. It is versatile and other ingredients may be added such as potatoes, onions, tomatoes, mint or mustard seeds. This is a good accompaniment for spicy dishes. 

Zucchini Fritters

If potato pancakes are not your thing, then try this alternative. Made in the same sense by shallow frying, the only difference is they are made with zucchini. A very delicious snack to enjoy.

               Oil for frying
               3 pounds zucchini
               1/2 tablespoon salt
               5 ounces flour
               1/4 teaspoon baking powder
               2 eggs, beaten
               3 ounces milk
               2 ounces onion diced
               salt to taste
               pepper to taste

  1. Gather all the ingredients and equipment.

  2. Preheat fryolator to 350°F (177°C).

  3. Wash, trim, and grate the zucchini. Do not peel. Sprinkle with salt.

  4. Drain in a colander for 30 minutes.

  5. Squeeze the zucchini, a handful at a time, to remove as much moisture as possible.

  6. In a separate bowl, mix the flour and baking powder.

  7. In another bowl, combine the eggs, milk, and onion.

  8. Add the flour mixture to the egg mixture, and whip until smooth.

  9. Add the grated zucchini. Stir until incorporated. Season with salt and pepper.

  10. Drop by spoonfuls into hot oil, and fry until golden brown on all sides. Test one fritter first to check seasoning, and season as needed before cooking the remaining fritters.

  11. Drain on absorbent towels, and then transfer to a hotel pan lined with absorbent towels. Hold briefly at 136°F (58°C) or higher if necessary. To retain crispness, do not stack fritters on top of each other.

  12. Serve hot with Cucumber Raita.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Potato Pancakes

A snack that everyone enjoys. These went the quickest when made in class because everyone wanted one. Simple to make and delicious to eat.

              3 pounds potatoes peeled
              6 ounces onions peeled and grated
              4 1/2 ounces flour
              6 eggs
              1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
              salt to taste
              pepper to taste
              Oil as needed

1. Gather all ingredients and equipment

2. Finely grate the peeled potatoes into a bowl of cold water

3. Grate the onion and store aside

4. Lift the grated potatoes into a strainer. Carefully drain off the water, but do not pour out the potato starch at the bottom of the bowl. Return drained potatoes to bowl with the starch

5. Add all other ingredients, except the oil. Blend well. In a large sautoir, heat 1/4 inch of oil to 350 degrees F

6. Using a 2 ounce scoop, make a mound of the mixture in the frying pan, and flatten to 1/3 inch pancake. Work quickly so that the pancakes will cook at the same rate

7. Fry on both sides to a golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack or absorbent paper to drain. Serve immediately, or hold uncovered at 136 degree F or higher

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Thai Style Pork Tenderloin

This dish has a strong flavor that will send your taste buds flying. The thai style flavor profile is a different approach for the tenderloins but make it all so delicious.

               3 pounds pork tenderloins
               3 ounces honey
               1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
               2 ounces oils
Marinade Ingredients:
                8 ounces soy sauce
                4 ounces honey
                2 ounces brown sugar
                2 teaspoons ground coriander
                5 cloves garlic minced
                1 teaspoon cumin
                1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
                1 teaspoon ground black pepper
                2 ounces frangelico (hazelnut liqueur)

1. Gather all the ingredients and equipment

2.  Preheat oven to 375

3. Combine all ingredients for the marinade. Place the tenderloins in the marinade; cover and chill at 40 degrees or lower for 1 hour

4. Remove the pork from the marinade and pat dry with a towel

5. Strain the marinade into a saucepan and reduce by half. Add the honey and coriander to the reduction. Cover and keep warm

6. Heat oil in saute pan and sear the tenderloin on all sides; remove. Place the meat on a sheet pan, baste with marinade, and place in oven. Cook until the meat has reached an internal temperature of 145 degrees F. Hold at 136 F or higher for no more than 10 minutes

7. Slice the pork tenderloins at an angle and place four or five pieces on a preheated dinner plate. Drizzle the marinade reduction over the meat.